Soundtracks: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

There are so many posters we cannot even distinguish the official ones, so it was decided to collect all into one pack to show the amount of fans’ army. img 0

Why New Star Wars Will Disappoint You

There are plenty of people who cannot wait any longer for the new Star Wars  to enter finally on the big screen. Are you one of the fans? We have to disappoint you: even the director has asked not to expect much from the movie. Nevertheless, statistics says that the upcoming premiere is going to beat all records. We collected some impressive data and want to share it with you!

What to expect

Well, we can’t say that the director is afraid of having less money for film – most of all, he is afraid of not meeting expectations. But facts answer for themselves: there are several cases when people have bought whole amount of premiere tickets just to watch the movie alone in the whole theater! Moreover, one person decided to sell his ticket for 10 000 dollars! If the lucky buyer won’t be found, man decided to present the ticket to random boy who can’t afford going to the cinema. Such attitude inspires and tells only that even if the film won’t be worth watching, all true fans will watch it anyway. Answer to yourself: if you have seen six previous parts, will you be awaited of viewing the seventh one? Doubtless, will.

What experts and critics expect

December premieres never had more than 100 million dollars for the first weekend. But specialists predict at least 200 million for the Star Wars! To collect such huge amount of money means to become the most successful movie in history. Who knows, maybe Alan Horn just prepares us for a big surprise and wants to impress the future viewers even more by being so modest? Anyway, it is the most truly-awaited premiere of the upcoming month and it is not an exaggeration. We remind you that the Star Wars are going to be shown in the middle of December this year already, one week before the Christmas!