Bubba Sparxxx Song Lyrics
Bubba Sparxxx Discography
Lyrics Arranged by Album:
Album: Charm (2006)
›Ain't Life Grand
›As the rim spins
›Claremont Lounge
›Heat it up
›Hey (a lil' gratitude)
›Ms new booty
›Ms. new booty - feat. ying yang twins and mr. collipark
›Run Away
›That man
›The Otherside
Album: Bubba Sparxxx (2005)
›Ain't Life Grand
›As The Rim Spins
›Claremont Lounge
›Heat It Up
›Hey! (A Lil' Gratitude)
›Ms New Booty
›Run Away
›That Man
›The Otherside
Album: Deliverance (2003)
›Back in the mud
›Comin' Around
›Jimmy mathis
›Like it or not
›My tone
›New south
›She tried
›Take A Load Off
Album: Dark Days Bright Night (2001)
›All the same
›Any porch
›Betty betty
›Bubba Sparxx
›Bubba sparxxx
›Bubba talk
›Dark Days Brights Nights
›Dark days, bright nights
›Get right
›If it's bumpin
›Open wide
›Take off
›Take'm to the water
›The 1st whutchacallit
›Twerk a little
›Well water
Album: Dark Days, Bright Nights (2000)
›All the same
›All The Same Ho
›Any porch
›Betty betty
›Bubba Sparxx
›Bubba sparxxx
›Bubba Sparxxx - Ugly (Featuring Timbaland And Missy)
›Bubba talk
›Dark days, bright nights
›Get right
›If it's bumpin'
›It's bubba sparxx
›Open wide
›Take off
›Take'm to the water
›The 1st whutchacallit
›Twerk a little
›Well water
Album: Bravo Black Hits 11
Album: Movement In Still Life
Album: Other Songs
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