Album: 4th WallLET THE GRASS GROW by Ruel
The ocean's to rise
But I lay here broken
Too heavy to float
I'm an emotionless wreck
So I tell myself this lie
I'm not scared to die
Make molehills of mountains
There's gold in this ground
But I ain't found it yet
So I leave before you go
'Cause there's no tears when it's my fault
This self-sabotage
All of our other scars don't compare
Take the river to the sea
Drown myself so I don't sink
Find my peace there underneath
The hurricane
Break a promise so I can leave
Burn a forest so I can sleep
Lay my headstone
Let the grass grow over me
There's nothing to fill this void
Stuck turning the soil
So I lay here soaking
There's sand in my bed
What a day to regret
So I leave before you go
'Cause there's no tears when it's my fault
This self-sabotage
All of our other scars don't compare
Take the river to the sea
Drown myself so I don't sink
Find my peace there underneath
The hurricane
Break a promise so I can leave
Burn a forest so I can sleep
Lay my headstone
Let the grass grow over me
We didn't make a difference
And we thought we were different
Oh, oh, oh
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