Midnight Past 2007 — Pegasus
Album: Other SongsMidnight Past 2007 by Pegasus
Deep in the night I feel the emptiness, because he is on another quest
But it must be done and I'll wait for him
I walk alone through the Darkenwood, the silver moon lights up my way
My companion is my Pegasus
So deep in the night where darkness devours all light
Ruled by demons and ghosts 'till the sun will awake
Midnight Past
We find a path that we've never seen before, suddenly from nowhere he appears
And I hear a voice, that is calling me
We have to know where this path is leading to, so we decide to leave our
Present route
But we can't foresee, what is awaiting us
So deep in the night where darkness devours all light
Ruled by demons and ghosts 'till the sun will awake
Feel the hands, which are touching you!
Under a tree, sitting on a stone we find a man wearing a block robe
But this can't be real, I can not trust my eyes
I can feel that my heart begins to pound, his cold hands are touching me softly
And I realize, that I love this man
So deep in the night where darkness devours all light
Ruled by demons and ghosts 'till the sun will awake
Midnight Past
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