Pam Tillis Song Lyrics
Pam Tillis Discography
Lyrics Arranged by Album:
It's All Relative: Tillis Sings Tillis (2002)
Thunder and Roses (2001)
Every Time (1998)
Greatest Hits (1997)
All Of This Love (1995)
Sweetheart's Dance (1994)
Homeward Looking Angel (1992)
Put Yourself in My Place (1991)
Above and Beyond the Doll of Cutey (1983)
8 Seconds
Other Songs
Album: It's All Relative: Tillis Sings Tillis (2002)
Album: Thunder and Roses (2001)
›I smile
›If i didn't love you
›It isn't just raining
›Jagged hearts
›Thunder and roses
›Waiting on the wind
›Waiting On The Wind (Bonus Track)
Album: Every Time (1998)
›A great disguise
›A whisper and a scream
›After hours
›Every time
›Hurt myself
›I said a prayer
›Lay the heartache down
›Not me
›We must be thinking alike
›Whiskey on the wound
›You put the lonely on me
Album: Greatest Hits (1997)
›All the good ones are gone
›Cleopatra, queen of denial
›Don't tell me what to do
›In between dances
›Land of the living
›Let that pony run
›Maybe it was memphis
›Mi Vida Loca (My Crazy Life)
›Shake the sugar tree
›Spilled perfume
›The river and the highway
›When you walk in the room
Album: All Of This Love (1995)
›All of this love
›Betty's got a bass boat
›Deep down
›It's lonely out there
›Mandolin rain
›No two ways about it
›Sunset red and pale moonlight
›Tequila mockingbird
›The river and the highway
›You can't have a good time without me
Album: Sweetheart's Dance (1994)
›'Til All The Lonely's Gone
›'til all the lonely's gone (w/mel tillis)
›Better off blue
›Calico plains
›Mi Vida Loca (My Crazy Life)
›Spilled perfume
›Sweetheart's dance
›They don't break 'em like they used to
›When you walk in the room
Album: Homeward Looking Angel (1992)
›Cleopatra, queen of denial
›Do you know where your man is
›Homeward looking angel
›How gone is goodbye
›Let that pony run
›Love is only human
›Rough and tumble heart
›Shake the sugar tree
›We've tried everything else
Album: Put Yourself in My Place (1991)
›Already fallen
›Ancient history
›Blue rose is
›Don't tell me what to do
›Draggin' my chains
›I've seen enough to know
›Maybe it was memphis
›Melancholy child
›One of those things
›Put yourself in my place
Album: Above and Beyond the Doll of Cutey (1983)
›(you just want to be) weird
›It ain't easy bein' easy
›Killer comfort
›Let's get crazy
›Love is sneakin' up on you
›Make it feel better
›Never be the same
›Popular girl
›Wish i was in love tonight
›You don't miss
Album: 8 Seconds
Album: Other Songs
›Burning Memories
›Come On And Sing
›Detroit City
›Fine, Fine, Very Fine Love
›Five Minutes
›Goodbye Wheeling
›Heart Over Mind
›Honey (open That Door)
›I Ain't Never
›I was blown away
›I Wish She Wouldn’t Treat You That Way
›Mental Revenge
›Mi Vida Loca
›So Wrong
›Tennessee Nights
›There Goes My Love
›Those Memories Of You
›Till All The Lonely's Gone
›Unmitigated Gall
›Violet And A Rose
›What We Believe In
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