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Paos (pay Dirt) Lyrics — Nuts Can Surf

Album: Other Songs  

Paos (pay Dirt) by Nuts Can Surf

I was at the air show ,(in a dream),
And the plastic toilets were floatin, (down the stream).
And I bought an ax for a dollar, dipped it in the oil.
Watching the books was impossible, and my lips were made of tin foil.
Then I smoked a pencap, made out with the lamp,
Kicked down the walls, shit on the amp.
Put my feet on a handstand, I picked the pork.
Speed reading with my eyes closed, living with a fork.
Touchy-feely coin slots, headbangin in the dark.
By already got busy, an I'm break dancin at the park.
When it came around, like a suit case full of fire...
Throwin fruit at the cardboard, called the pope a liar.
An I was swingin from a string, pullin tiles off the ground,
Gave a thumbs up, to a disgruntled clown.
Took a meat cleaver an I made some eggs,
Ran into a hotwheels...broke my leg.
© 1995 Dellfold Entertainment & ncs

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